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Jack hammer: health and safety 2   2   8  
Jennik, Susan "Getting Involved in Your Union" 10   1   16  
Journeywoman's Journal 8   4   24  
Johnson, T. S. "Tellin' It Like It Is" 12   3   14  
Jolly, Bob - Portrait of a Trade (Printer) 9   1   27  
Jourdan, Paulette "Missing Pieces" (fiction) 11   4   25  
"Joy" (fiction) 7   2   44  
"A Matter of Choice" (fiction) 12   1   26  
"Geraldine Hill, Carpenter with Confidence"
Joyce, Diane-Affirmative Action: When?
Kadetsky, Elizabeth "Constructive Criticism' 12   2   6  
Kane, Shai "Trades Mentor Network... ' 12   4   23  
Kemp, Saundra "Best Kept Secret in the Bay Area" 12   3   12  
Kenya (Nairobi): Women and Work 5   1   18  
Keppler, Kay - Brad Seligman (lawyer) interview" 10   3   4  
Keppler, Kay - Jesustia Semides (trainer) interview 10   3   23  
Keppler, Kay - Industrial trade worker - interview 11   1   16  
Keppler, Kay - "Irene Lopez... " (service technician for PG&E) 11   4   19  
Keppler, Kay - pipe welder - interview w/ Maier 11   1   12  
Keppler, Kay - Affirmative Action (Oakland fed. bldg.) 11   2   17  
Keppler, Kay - "N.Y. Subways: Report from Lower Depths" 11   2   5  
Keppler, Kay - "Thinking in 3 Dimensions" (air traffic controller) 11   2   11  
Keppler, Kay - "Water Company Women Want Equal Treatment" 11   4   21  
Keppler, Kay - Structural steel painter (K. Juzefczyk) 11   3   9  
Keppler, Kay - "Paying Their Dues... " (public work in Berkeley) 12   1   22  
Knot-Tying Basics 1   4   34  
Kucera, Barbara "Protests Stop Apprenticeship Changes" 10   1   27  
Kuhn, Joan "Affirmative Action Really Works" 12   4   12  
Kurtz, J. and Eggers, E. "Women in the Trades... " 12   4   7  
Ladder Safety 2   1   13  
Ladder Safety 12   2   31  
Ladle Liner: Steel Trades 6   2   17  
Lawsuit settlement: sex discrimination 5   1   32  
Legal Update 7   2   64  
Legal Update - Supreme Court Attacks and Set-Asides 8   3   34  
Legislative Update by Jennifer Watson 11   1   2  
Legislative Update Fed. and State (CA) 11   4   5  
Legislative Update ISTEA - Northeast Women in Transportation 12   1   4  
Legislative Update Lesbians in the trades - Robin McDuff 12   3   2  
Letters to Tradeswomen (a) Clay (appreciation) 11   3   2  
Letters to Tradeswomen (b) anonymous complaints about Walsh EEO program 11   3   2  
Legislative Update McDuff - Lesbians in Trades 12   3   2  
Line Hand (Maintaining Electric Power Lines) 1   4   36  
Lineman - article by Meri Issel 11   4   7  
Linoleum - She Does Floors, but Not Windows: Carpet and linoleum trades 6   2   6  
Little Tradeswomen Coloring Book 7   2   35  
Longshore Worker 2   3   25  
Lopez, Irene (service tech., interv. by Keppler) 11   4   19  
Lumber Work 1   3   36  
Machine Shops, song for 8   1   27  
Machinist 2   3   33  
Maier, M. "Pipe Welder...' (interview - Keppler) ll 1   12  
Maitin, Yvonne A (poem) 9   2   22  
Maritime Careers 8   2   19  
Martin, Bonny "Third Generation Carpenter" 10   2   24  
Martin, Molly "Talk of the Trades" 10   2   6  
Martin, Molly "Remembering Vietnam: Women in the Military" 10   2   5  
Martin, Molly Talk of the Trades: Civil Rights Bill, etc., 10   1   2  
Martin, Molly "Rank and File Organizer Moves Up" (D.Levitt) 10   1   22  
Martin, Molly "Stagehands-Theriault and Hipp)-interview 10   2   8  
Martin, Molly "Boatyard Carpenter" (J. Schmidt) 9   4   24  
Martin, Molly Photo Essay: Seattle Trade Fair 9   3   18  
Martin, Molly Fiction: "Mean Business" 9   2   18  
Martin, Molly News from Quake Zone 9   1   2  
Martin, Molly Review of Sexual Harassment on the Job 11   3   3-4  
Martin, Molly "Talk of the Trades" (about writers) 12   4   24  
Martz, S. IfI Had a Hammer reviewed by Archer 9   3   7  
Mason, Nancy - teacher of elect. skills 10   3   18  
Mass transit (BART women workers) 11   2   5  
Mass transit N.Y. subway workers 11   2   3  
McCormick, D. "Creating Transportation jobs..." 12   4   10  
McDonald, J. Book review: Sexual Harassment 12   4   31  
McDuff, Robin - Lesbians in the trades (letter) 12   3   2  
Mechanic, car (A Woman-owned Garage) 2   4   10  
Mechanic, apprentice (w/ PG&E) - Ravenscraft 11   4   15  
Melcher, Chris-"Breaking Barriers" 10   3   26  
Interview w/ Francis (pipe-fitter) 11   1   3  
Interview w/ Bryant (truck repair) 11   1   5  
Interview w/ Gluch (car parts) 11   1   7  
Interview w/ Harris (welder) 11   1   9  
"Road Crew Surveyor" (Chao-I Chen) 11   3   11  
Men, working with 3   2   18  
Menopause - Let's Talk Blue-Collar Menopause (A Machinist) 6   3   15  
Poetry: Talking Menopause with Verona 8   4   21  
Mentor network by Kane 12   4   23  
Messing, Karen, et al - Biological Diffs and Work 9   1   32  
Middle Class Daughters in Working Class jobs (Downward Mobility) 4   3   4  
Military Service, A Step Backward for Women 10   2   2  
Miner: America's First Woman Miner 2   2   12  
"Missing Pieces" by Paulette jourdan (fiction) 11   4   25  
Moore, E - Response to complaint about Walsh Construction Co. (Oakland) 11   4   4  
Motherhood (a working mother) 1   2   16  
Pregnant Tradeswomen 1   3   12  
Reproductive Hazards on the job 1   4   29  
Mothers in the Trades 7   2   12  
Mother Jones, Daughters of 8   3   5  
Murphy, R. "I Got My Start w/ PG&E 11   4   3  
Muscle pain (How to Hear the Messages and Lessons of Pain) 7   1   8  
Muska, M. 'What's In It for the Guys'(unions) 10   1   6  
Nairobi, Kenya: Women and Work 5   1   18  
Nakasue, C. "Resignation!" (apprentice program) 10   3   19  
National Park Maintenance Worker 8   4   30  
National Tradeswomen Conference 8   1   13  
National Tradeswomen Conference 8   3   5  
National Tradeswomen Resources (list) 12   1   34  
Neon Sign Production-"Hot Flash" by L. Platz 9   3   16  
Neptune's Apprentice: Book Review 4   1   6  
Networking 8   4   39  
Networking News from Northeast, NYC, and CA 10   3   27  
Networking Training for Low Income Women; Sweden 10   1   28  
Networking NYC, Boston, Cleveland,Chicago,Madison,etc. 10   2   35  
Networking Korea, Training, OR, Sn Diego, etc. 9   3   35  
Networking ME, AUD Conf., CA Firefighters, Boston,etc. 9   4   27  
Networking Civil Rights Act '90, Firefighters, etc. 9   2   25  
Networking Minn., NNETW Conf, Carl Perkins Act 9   1   38  
Networking SF WE Women, Boston Tradeswomen Network 11   1   35  
Networking Greenlining Coalition, Black women's journals 11   2   35  
Networking Nat'l and Boston, Bldg. Trades, etc. 11   4   33  
Networking MA State handbook on reproductive health hazards 11   3   31  
Networking SF Area Videorama/Sexual Harassment 12   3   30  
Newell, Susan-'Fetal Protection Policy" 10   3   11  
News from Quake Zone by M. Martin 9   1   2  
Newsletters, Supporting Ourselves 8   3   32  
Nicaragua, Powers of Construction 5   1   24  
Niemann, L. et al, Drug Testing 9   3   20  
Niemann, L. Boomer. Railroad Memoirs 9   1   3  
Noise hazard 2   1   32  
Noise hazard - OSHA and noise 4   4   30  
North.New Eng.Tradesw. Conf.(speech by Eisenberg) 9   4   3  
Norway: Women in Men's jobs 5   1   6  
Offshore oil rig by Crews 11   2   13  
Olson, Nancy - poem 11   3   19  
ONOW (training program in Cleveland) 12   2   25  
Operating engineers: union support group 12   2   17  
Opinion by Helen Vozenilek 8   1   6  
Oppression, Tradeswomen Task Force on 3   3   32  
Owen, K. 'Reflection of a Smile" (fiction) 12   4   26  
Pacific Gas & Electric Co (PG&E) workers for 11   4   7-18  
Pacific Gas & Electric Co - lineman for (Issel) 11   4   7  
Pacific Gas & Electric Co - Malone 11   4   8  
Pacific Gas & Electric Co - Robin Murphy 'I Got My Start w/ PG&E) 11   4   3  
Packard, Noel - poem 11   1   31  
Park Rangers Wheel Chairs on the Beach? 6   3   24  
Park Rangers - How to Become a National Park Ranger 9   4   16  
Parker, Cheryl - In Memoriam 11   3   33  
Pauwels, C. "A Woman's Place' (fiction) 12   4   14  
Phillips - power production 11   4   11  
Phillips - apprentice mechanic (Ravenscraft) 11   4   15  
Phillips, Millie - A Woman in Power Plant Production 11   4   11  
Photo Essays by Sandy Thacker 8   1   20  
Photo Essays by Molly Martin (Seattle Trade Fair) 9   3   18  
Photo Essays by Sandy Thacker 11   2   19  
Photos: True Professionals 8   4   23  
Pipe-fitter - interview w/ Francis by Melcher 11   1   3  
Pipe-fitter -about Darlene Owens 12   3   14  
Pipe work (sprinklefitting welding) 2   3   31  
Platz, Lorraine - Women in Neon "Hot Flash" 9   3   16  
Plumber-pipefitter's union (Stanford) 10   1   10  
Plumber, utility (D. Parker by Thompson-White) 12   3   24  
Plumbing contractor 1   1   2  
Plumber's Perspective on Blueprints 1   2   36  
Plumbing Apprentice 2   4   2  
Poetry., Talking Menopause with Verona 8   4   21  
Poetry by Sue Doro 10   3   14  
Poetry by Sue Doro 12   3   28  
Poetry by Beeman, Braid, Crosby, Anderson 10   2   14  
Poetry by Caroline Crosby 9   4   2  
Poetry by Susan Eisenberg 9   2   23  
Poetry by Yvonne Maitin 9   2   22  
Poetry by Noel Packard 11   1   31  
Poetry by Glynda Francis 11   1   29  
Poetry by Caroline Crosby 11   1   30  
Poetry anthology edited by Tom Wayman 11   2   2  
Poetry by Francis, Olson, Crown 11   3   19  
Poetry by Silvermarie and Bogomoiny 12   1   25  
Poetry by M. Walls 12   4   22  
Poetry by Kate Braid 12   4   32  
Poetry by Donna Simms 12   4   4  
Portrait of a Trade: Telephone Businesswoman 7   2   38  
Portrait of a Trade: Lumber Mill Worker 8   1   30  
Portrait of a Trade: Union Painter 8   1   34  
Portrait of a Trade: Saw Mill Operator 8   2   28  
Portrait of a Trade: National Park Maintenance Worker 8   4   30  
Portrait of a Trade: Printer 9   1   27  
Pregnant Tradeswomen 1   3   12  
Price, V. (& N.Crudup) "Reaching for Their Dreams" 12   3   4  
Printing.- Women's Press Project 4   1   20  
"Portrait of a Trade" by Bob Jolly 9   1   27  
Prisons: Women Inmates Learn Trades 1   4   14  
Prisons: Vocational Education in Prison 2   2   30  
Psychological Survival, Easy on the Ego 7   1   29  
Public Power Utility Workers (Seattle) 2   3   35  
Public work (and workers) 12   1   8-22  
PVC Pipe 2   1   46  
"Queen of the Road" (road grader driver) - Humes 11   3   5  
Racism on the job 1   4   15  
Racism on the job 2   1   8  
Racism and Tradeswomen by D. A. Simms 12   3   18  
Radiator Shop 2   2   6  
Railroad Memoirs by L. Niemann 9   1   3  
Rathman, Luana M. "Nature Vs. Nurture' 10   2   20  
Ravenscraft, L. - apprentice mechanic (Alison) 11   4   15  
Reagan Administration, Our Future Under 3   1   10  
Reagan's Attack on Affirmative Action 4   3   28  
Reproductive Hazards on the Job 1   4   29  
Research Report: Biological Differences and Work 9   1   32  
Resources 8   2   38  
Resources National Tradeswomen (list) 12   1   34  
Resources Support group in Southern California 12   2   19  
Resources List of national organizations 12   3   33  
Retirement, Planning for 8   4   12  
Rights - Know Your Rights: Employee Discharge Guidelines 5   1   33  
Road crew surveyor (Chen) by Chris Melcher 11   3   11  
Robins, Judith - Sheep rancher (Lee Valuch) 11   3   25  
Roche, Barbara "Saved by My Sister" (auto mech.) 9   3   14  
"Rose Construction: the Sweet Smell of Success" 12   2   15  


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